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[Draft of the English version]

Las contribuciones son bienvenidas, ya sea como comentarios siguientes definiciones, ya sea como nuevas definiciones (ver cuadro aquí-contra).

Nicolas Balacheff, CNRS, LIG Grenoble


Glissement métacognitif

"Lorsqu'une activité d'enseignement a échoué, le professeur peut être conduit à se justifier et pour continuer son action, à prendre ses propres explications et ses moyens heuristiques comme objets d'étude à la place de la véritable connaissance mathématique. [...] le 'moyen' devient à son tour objet d'enseignement et se surcharge de conventions, de langages spécifiques à leur tour enseignés et expliqués à chaque étape de diffusion. Dans ce processus, plus l'activité d'enseignement produit de commentaires et de conventions, moins les étudiants peuvent contrôler les situations qui leur sont proposées. -- C'est l'effet de glissement métacognitif " (Brousseau 1986 p.43-44)

English : Metacognitive shift
“When a teaching activity has failed, the teacher can feel compelled to justify herself and, in order to continue her activity, take her own formulations and heuristic means as objects of study in place of genuine mathematical knowledge. [...] This means of teaching became the teaching object for younger and younger children. Semantic control was based on a “model” which goes back to Euler, which makes reference to various graphical representations. This “model” was actually not a correct model; it did not allow the expected control and caused teaching difficulties. Because of these difficulties, this “method” of teaching in its turn became a teaching object and was overloaded with conventions and specific language which were themselves taught and explained at every stage of presentation. With this process, the more the teaching activity produced comments and conventions, the less the students could control the situations which were being put to them. This is the effect of “metacognitive shift”. “ (Brousseau 1997 pp.26-27)

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